Saturday, July 13, 2019

Application de création de logo ou logiciel Convient pour le logo? Analyse originale

Que vous soyez indépendant, indépendant, entreprise ou entreprise, le logo est très important. Le logo agit comme votre image dans l´industrie. Un bon logo peut refléter la philosophie de l´entreprise et la culture de la marque. Par exemple, si vous fabriquez des bijoux de luxe, vous pouvez afficher un sentiment de noblesse lors de la conception du logo, ce qui attirera la plupart des femmes.

À propos de la conception de logos est en fait très professionnel et important, nous ne recommandons donc pas aux clients de concevoir leurs propres logos ou d´utiliser différents types d´applications.

Les inconvénients de l´utilisation de logos par des non-professionnels pour la conception d´applications ou de logiciels sont les suivants:

1: La conception de votre logo avec l´application ne sera pas enregistrée. Raison: trop de gens l´utilisent. Parce que l´application est pleine de graphiques de modèle.

2: Les logos conçus par des non-professionnels sont généralement peu professionnels et font perdre du temps. Cela a pris beaucoup de temps et d´efforts, et finalement le panier de bambou était vide.

3: Le logo créé par la classe d´applications, s´il est un peu insatisfait, personne ne peut le modifier. Enfin, vous devez payer quelqu´un pour le gérer, ce qui vous fait perdre du temps.

4: Il n´y a généralement pas beaucoup de modèles dans l´application.

Bien sûr, il y a des avantages, tels qu´être bon marché et concevoir rapidement un logo. Les clients qui ont besoin de logo peuvent également choisir des indépendants ou des sociétés de création de logo (plus onéreuses), qui sont de bons choix. Bien sûr, vous pouvez également choisir d´acheter et de vendre une plate-forme de création de logo, l´auteur étant actuellement le plus reconnu.

1: HaveLogo , site Web: Assistance pour la création de logo commercial, obtenez un logo pour 50 USD, site Web La page d´accueil est la suivante:

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Friday, July 5, 2019

Why do you need a logo design? How is the cost?

Why do you need a logo? In fact, you can not need it! But the logo is the icing on the cake, and it means adding a lot of flowers. Another point to understand is that the logo is not a charcoal in the snow. The logo has no way to save a bankrupt company, nor will it increase your performance by a factor of N. But the logo does have real benefits, you can deny it. Just like the current movie effects are much better than the movie effects of the 80s.

The use of logo has the following benefits:

1: Social trends
You look up the worlds top 500, they basically have 100% of their own logo, and will take it seriously. For example, Apples logo has been modified several times. Internet giant Google, their logo has been changing.

2: Easy to remember
For example, your company is called: a certain company, so many words, like a string of numbers, is difficult to remember. If you attach your logo picture, it is easy for people to remember. Psychologists have experimented: it is easier for humans to remember that there is an image that is at least 10.2 times easier than something without an image. For example, if you see an alien, you only need to take a look. You can basically remember it all your life. But if you remember a string of numbers that are not regular, you will forget about it after a day. The logo image has an image, and a certain company has no image.

3: Easy to promote
Its okay to just pull out the logo, no need to say more, most people know what it means. If someone needs more information, Baidu will find you with your company name.

4: Represents the image
The logo basically represents the image of your team. For example: you are doing luxury jewelry industry, then you can make the logo show a noble feeling.

There are many advantages of logo, there are many, many of the four points listed above are the most important. With these four points, there is basically no reason not to use the logo. Regarding the logo design cost, it is not very particular, because the logo design is mainly creative, like and liked by customers. So a big design company or a small design company is fine. To know the creative thing, not to say that your company is big, the creativity is great. Ok, share it today. Finally, I recommend a few friends to choose the logo design website for everyone.

Good logo design platform:

1: LOGOinLOGO ( - A logo can be purchased for $50 and completed in 24 hours.

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